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Achievement Awards

CAM-X honours people who make the world a better place. We believe it is important to recognize the people who do great things, and to share their message and inspire other people to strive for those levels of excellence.

The awards below are given to people who have spent their lives contributing to the betterment of our industry, people who nurture and help others to be better, employees who go above and beyond, and people who live their lives and run their businesses with integrity, setting the standard the rest of us strive toward.

Barbara Bradbury Mentorship Award

CAM-X honours people who make the world a better place. We believe it is important to recognize the people who do great things, and to share their message and inspire other people to strive for those levels of excellence.

There are those who shine a light on others, helping them to see their strengths, picking them up when they falter, and encouraging them to find their inner greatness. They teach by asking questions, and as a sounding board, they peel away layers of uncertainty to reveal a newfound level of confidence. By listening, they allow us to hear what’s in our hearts.


Their natural curiosity makes them hungry for knowledge while their passion for helping others drives them to share what they learn, asking nothing in return.


Through coaching, and by their actions, they challenge us to alter our way of thinking and the way we interact with the world around us, inspiring us to grow as people and to reach our personal and professional goals. 


This is a mentor.  

Donald Swift Education Endowment

The Donald Swift Education Endowment (DSEE) recognizes an employee of a member organization, who exemplifies the mission of CAM-X.


This award provides the opportunity for such an employee, who would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity, to attend a CAM-X conference and experience that which many of us take for granted. Help launch the career of one of your rising stars by completing the application.

Hall of Fame Award

The CAM-X Hall of Fame was established by the Canadian Call Management Association in 2001 in order to recognize dynamic individuals whose leadership has had a positive impact on the evolution of the Telephone Answering Service and Call Centre Industry.


The Hall of Fame celebrates inductees for their accomplishments, their vision, their leadership and their tireless efforts to promote support and protect our industry.​

Tom Ryan Integrity Award

The Tom Ryan Award for Ethics, Integrity and Quality Above All was created by the Ryan family in 2001 in memory of Tom Ryan.


Its purpose is to recognize industry leaders in the answering service and contact management industry whose companies are founded on principles of quality service delivery, ethical business practices, commitment to a progressive working environment, and on contribution to the business and industry communities.

This award is judged by a panel of business and community leaders who were personal friends and business associates of Tom’s and who understood the values and principles on which Tom conducted his business affairs. 

Each application is scored independently via a weighted scoring process, with the award being presented only when all criteria are met. The selected company will be presented the award at the CAM-X annual convention.

Mothers of Invention

In 2004, the CAM-X Board of Directors decided to establish a specialized award for the “Mothers of Invention” in order to honor all the women who started telephone answering services from a zero base during the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and even well into the 70’s. Many of them literally “lived” with their businesses 24/7- operating out of a spare room in the home or even from a corner of their bedrooms.

When a Doctor’s phone rang in the middle of the night these pioneers of innovation would get out of bed, answer it, ensure the patients’ needs were forwarded to the appropriate physician, and then jump back in to bed. One of these women was quoted as saying (when asked by her husband how her day went: “…this morning I helped deliver a baby, put out a fire, sell a house and unclog a toilet…and that was before my first coffee break”.​

These “Mothers of Invention” felt that operating a Telephone Answering Service was the most important job in the world because of the hundreds of people they were able to help each day. They made huge sacrifices and were the true pioneers of our present day businesses. From these humble beginnings has grown many of today’s largest TAS/Call Centre enterprises.

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